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Providence Life Services Magazine: Issue 3 of 2020

This issue of the Providence Newsletter looks at our Torchlight 2020 Campaign, some exciting awards, and resident stories. We also offer a sneak peek at Providence through the new millennium.…


Providence Life Services

Home Healthcare May Be the Right Choice

Advances in home healthcare and modern medicine changes have made treatment and therapy at home the right choice for many. People seeking an alternative that balances expert care with the familiar surroundings of home have put their trust in Providence at Home.…


Providence Life Services

Comfort & Support Are the Foundation of Palliative Care

Palliative care is a specialized care model, focusing on the quality of life and addressing those needs and more. Research has found that early use of palliative care services can improve the quality of life for patients with serious illness and decrease depression and anxiety and increase patient and family satisfaction. Early intervention of palliative care, including active symptom management provided with disease-modifying care can improve quality of life, minimize invasive interventions, and potentially extend survival. …

a healthcare worker helping an elderly woman

Providence Life Services

Assisted Living: What It Is, How It Works and Why It Might Be the Right Choice

You’ve probably heard the term assisted living. But what, exactly, is assisted living? The short answer is that assisted living gives seniors who want assistance a place to thrive and grow while receiving individualized care services. Read on to find out more!…