1914 Heritage Society

The 1914 Heritage Society is the name for a growing group of visionary partners at Providence who have made a commitment to include Providence in their estate plans.
The year “1914” refers to the year that a decision was made by a group of Dutch Reformed congregations in the Roseland community of Chicago to take a former pastor’s home, purchase several empty city lots, move the house to that space, and convert it to a shelter for seniors.
We chose “Heritage” to represent the faithful history of support for our ministry. Providence was established long ago out of a group of churches, encouraged by the Holy Spirit, to care for the elderly. That effort and commitment is still visible today through the partners at Providence Life Services.
Finally, “Society” references the faithful group of stewards who are using Planned Gifts to enable Providence to look to the future. Our mission is to enhance the lives of those we serve in the name of Jesus. We look to the future with confidence in our plans to expand and secure services for future generations.
The original Holland Home pictured above served as the parsonage of First Reformed Church of Roseland. This photo hangs on a wall in our office as a reminder of our simple beginning and our faithful partners.
We have assembled a list of members of the 1914 Heritage Society. It hangs in our office near the picture above and will show up in our future Annual Reports.
Some of these people are still blessing us today, even though they joined their Savior years ago. If you have made a commitment in your Estate Plan and we are not aware of it, we want to include your name on this list to share in your vision of caring for our seniors in the name of Jesus.
Have you thought about including Providence Life Services in your Estate Plan?
There are several ways to accomplish the task. Your commitment to this ministry is something to be celebrated.
Please call or e-mail us to let us know if you are thinking about including Providence in your estate plan. We have a wealth of knowledge in this area, backed by our partners at the Barnabas Foundation.
We can help you in your stewardship journey to facilitate the best plan for your loved ones and the kingdom causes you support.
Rick VanDyken at rvandyken@provlife.com or call him at 708-552-6536.