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Royal Atrium Inn

“I tell everyone I know, This is where you want to be.” - A Royal Atrium Inn Testimonial

Patsy Leppien lives at Royal Park Place Retirement Living, where she enjoys the socialization and entertainment available at the friendly community. But she’s no stranger to Royal Atrium Inn, the Assisted Living community on campus. “This place is excellent,” she says.

When Patsy first moved here with her husband Richard, they lived at Royal Atrium Inn. Richard needed a great deal of assistance and they wanted to live together. “I had been taking care of him myself before moving here,” Patsy says. “Because of his medical issues, my doctors were concerned that I would ruin my back with all the care.”

Patsy’s daughter Kim Fry knew about Royal Atrium Inn because her daughter-in-law’s grandparents used to live there and had spoken so highly of the staff and the community. “We all came and looked at it here and decided it was the right place.”

Patsy and Kim say the care was excellent. “There’s a difference to the staff here,” Kim says, and Patsy agrees. “I think the fact that it was started by Christians who wanted to give good care to seniors—that’s a big part of it. You can just tell people love their jobs and care about the people here.”

After Richard passed away, Patsy moved to Royal Park Place and lives independently. However, she has taken advantage of Royal Atrium Inn’s respite program twice—once, after a hip replacement surgery, and another time to recover from an injury.

“The doctors were ready to send her home, but we knew we wouldn’t feel as much peace if she went back to living independently so soon after these incidents,” Kim says. “We knew we couldn’t provide the care in our home, so a short term Respite stay gave her a little more time and oversight while she continued healing.”

Patsy still comes to the Atrium for exercise class 5 days a week, as they have adaptive stretching exercises that fit her own needs. She also knows that if she ever needs to use services from Royal Atrium Inn again, she’ll be in good hands.

“I’m a walking advertisement for this place,” Patsy says. “I tell everyone I know, ‘This is where you want to be.’”

Kim agrees. “Excellent care—no question,” she says. “Best place ever.”




