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Royal Atrium Inn

“The peace we feel knowing this incredible staff is here caring for him—it’s so freeing.” – A Royal Atrium Inn Testimony


For Mick Zuverink, the move to a retirement community was mainly for social reasons. After his wife passed away, Mitch found himself spending much of his time alone. While he could live independently just fine, he wanted to be around friends.

“My father- and mother-in-law loved living at Royal Park Place, so we suggested he take a look,” Mick’s daughter Nancy McCleery says of the retirement community. “He decided to move in that very day.”

For years, Mick thrived at Royal Park Place living on his own. But as his health issues increased, managing medications on his own became difficult. After a few short hospital stays, Mick and his family decided it was time to move to Royal Atrium Inn, the Assisted Living community on campus.

“It wasn’t an easy decision,” Nancy says, “but we wanted to make sure he was safe.”

It wasn’t long before Mick’s quality of life improved drastically. “He loves his apartment. It has a view of the pond and he gets to see all the wildlife,” Nancy says. “He eats lunch with his neighbors and  goes to exercise class each day. He has so many friends and has less stress. This was a good move for him.”

Nancy loves that she and her brothers can go back to simply being their dad’s kids again. “There were times we visited three times a day, but that doesn’t mean something couldn’t happen five minutes after we’d leave,” she says. “The peace we feel knowing this incredible staff is here caring for him—it’s so freeing.”

Mick agrees that the staff is outstanding. “They treat me so good,” he says. “I have a lot of fun with them.” He loves the food, and he absolutely loves his view. “You never know what you’re gonna see out there—a goose with all her young ones. Ducks—you just never know!”

For Nancy, who now feels the freedom to split her time between her dad, her kids, and her 17 grandkids, Royal Atrium Inn is the answer to her prayers. “It’s such a relief,” she says. “My dad, my in-laws—they’re all safe and they’re all content, and that is everything to me.”




