‘Wits Workout’ at Royal Park Place Encourages Active Minds

Royal Park Place residents have a history of prioritizing brain health. Many residents have already embraced the Dakim Brain Fitness program available to residents on the campus computers. This year, Life Enrichment Director Carrie Fahey started a new program to help keep brains sharp: Wits Workouts, a brain health resource tool developed by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champlain Extension Program.
This unique program differs from other brain health programs because it has two goals: to provide intellectual engagement, and to increase social engagement. These goals are based on research showing how closely related intellectual challenges and social connectedness are when it comes to brain health.
“Anyone who knows these residents knows they love spending time together, so having a group activity that stimulates their intellect is a perfect fit for them,” says Carrie. “We all find it challenging, but enjoyable.”
Once a month, residents meet for a Wits Workout unit. “Usually, it starts with some warmup, like introducing yourself and saying a flower that starts with the same letter of your name (like Carrie Chrysanthemum), and then we go to multiple brain games,” Carrie explains. “Every month has a themed unit. We’ve done flowers, all about Rome, seasons, and laughter. Some of the exercises are things we work through independently, but the heart of the program includes working together. The exercises are challenging, so I assure the residents there’s no grade. Once we do a ‘workout,’ we go through it together.”
One example of the program challenged the residents to name the contents of their purses or wallets without looking. The room filled with laughter as the residents worked.