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Signs it May be Time to Make the Move to Assisted Living

Signs it May be Time to Make the Move to Assisted Living


When checking in on your parents or loved ones, you may be observing some changes in their health and well-being. Here are some signs to be aware of that your loved one may need some additional assistance. It is always recommended to consult with your family physician on health-related concerns.

Signs to consider:

1. Continued health related issues—has there been a recent or frequent hospitalization due to a serious illness or injury?

2. Is your loved one not taking their correct dosage of medications, or confused about what they have taken and when?

3. Do you notice any unexplained bruising or cuts?

4. If there is a primary caregiver or spouse, how is her/his health? Are they exhibiting signs of exhaustion, anger, stress or even illness?

5. Is your loved one having difficulty with upkeep of their home?

6. Is your loved one appearing unclean, or unkempt—having difficulty with bathing and grooming?

7. Is your loved one losing weight, not preparing food or eating properly?

8. Is there a continued decline in reasoning skills or cognition? Do you feel they are a risk to themselves or others due to their cognitive decline?

9. Is your loved one worried a senior community may be too much financially?

10. Does your loved one seem socially disconnected from friends and family?

11. Have there been multiple falls or accidents that your loved one has had?

12. Is your loved one experiencing driving competency issues?

Deciding on assisted living can be an emotional journey. However, prioritizing your loved one's safety and well-being is paramount. Remember, assisted living communities offer not only support but also opportunities for social connection and a vibrant lifestyle. Consider scheduling visits to explore different options and discuss your concerns with the staff. You may be surprised at the positive impact assisted living can have on your loved one's happiness and overall health.

To learn more, contact the Providence Life Service team.




