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Victorian Village

“Victorian Village is the best place for retirement.” - Christine Asher, Victorian Village resident


When you meet Christine Asher, her positive attitude is contagious. She is bubbly, often laughing, and frequently excusing herself to greet her neighbors at Victorian Village, where she’s lived since having a stroke in 2018. 

“My sister saw my mom have a stroke years ago, and she saw what was happening to me,” Christine explains. “She called 911 immediately, and that’s why I didn’t lose a thing.”

Christine, a former doctor and the first woman allowed into Chicago Medical School, has seen her fair share of medical emergencies. For years, she was the town doctor in Clarksville, Tennessee, where she did everything from delivering babies to treating the elderly. She never charged military veterans (“My father was a veteran and he taught us we were all united under God,” she says), and even now, she points out the veterans she knows at Victorian Village with the utmost respect.

Because of her savvy medical knowledge, she knew that her stroke, combined with her ongoing battle with multiple sclerosis, meant that living alone was not a safe option for her. After a short stay at Victorian Village’s Assisted Living community as she recovered from the stroke, she decided to move into one of the retirement living apartments and make her home where there would be staff available 24/7, should she need them.

“I love it here,” she says. “I get to play games, talk to people, and I can walk.” Christine aims for 10,000 steps each day, and the campus has plenty of indoor and outdoor places to get those steps in. “I always eat my meals in the dining room. If there’s a way to be around people, that’s where you’ll find me.”

Christine says that the community is a great value for anyone looking for a retirement community, especially if you would like additional healthcare options available down the road.

“Victorian Village is the best place for retirement,” she says. “It’s that simple.”




